Benefits of Ultrasound for the Skin

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Blooming Moon's NEW advanced facial, Blooming Moon Signature Facial ($225 | 90min.) includes technology like ultrasound to provide you with the best results possible!This relaxing facial treatment penetrates 5mm deep under the skin, penetrating the second layer of muscles underneath the facial muscles where ultrasound waves can stimulate collagen. This treatment is super soothing and as the wand glides gently over the skin, you experience a warmth and bliss which is tranquil. Meanwhile, your skin is plumping, tightening and improving overall! Ultrasound is perfect for those searching for a natural solution to aging, warding-off acne and overall skin health.Ultrasound Benefits:

  • Lifts, tightens & plumps the skin.

  • Cellular renewal, repair & turn-over

  • Toning muscles, increasing blood circulation

  • Encouraging lymphatic drainage & purges toxins

  • Combating puffiness & swelling

  • Improving product penetration.

  • Prevent onset of acne/blemishes

  • Fade dark circles under the eyes

When ultrasound enters the body it reacts in various ways. Muscles, tendons and bones absorb ultrasound. Harder surfaces like bone will absorb and reflect ultrasound energy. All of these play a role in rising the total temperature in the surrounding tissue. This in turn dramatically increases oxygen to the cells, jumpstarting a process that produces fresh, new collagen and aids in the removal of waste products. Ultrasound also acts as an antibacterial cleansing, which also helps prevent the onset of acne and blemishes.After a Blooming Moon Signature Facial you will feel relaxed, your skin will be rosy, glowing, firm, refreshed and noticeably softer - even after just one application!
